Friday, December 10, 2010

Changing Horses

This is Cinnamon (L) and Fawn (R).

They aren't related.

Fawn is 20 years old. Cinnamon is 4.

Fawn is my baby, my girl. My trusty mount for trail rides, moving cows, anything. When I need a horse I can trust, I turn to her.

Cinnamon was meant to take the burden off Fawn. When I bought her, my dad was cowboss on a large cattle ranch. I helped him out a lot, and I rode Fawn every day, except the summer she got hurt, and then I rode Dad's sorrel gelding, Gary. But that was before I had Cin.

Two summers ago I got Cinnamon going, with my dad's help. She was started well, going good. I rode her on a three day packtrip, rode her all over the mountains on trail rides. She wasn't finished because I didn't finish her reining and we never loped.

Then this last summer I got sick and didn't ride at all. Neither mare. Not Fawn and not Cin. Not even once.

But this fall, I began to recover and I wanted to ride. Bad. So, reasonably, I would grab Cin, right? Pick up where I left off?


Trusty old Fawn was the mount of choice.

I didn't even Catch Cinnamon.

How does all this relate to writing?

Because I have manuscripts kind of like my mares. Old and trusty, and new and fairly untried.

I'm in a quandary with them. Work with the old one (Mississippi Blues), or turn my energy to the new (Branded)?

I'm talking specifically about contests. I have a limited amount of money this year for contests, so I need to decide which ms to devote my energy to. The old one, or the new, untried one?

I put Ms. Blues in two contests last year, and it finaled both times.

But I have a new ms I'm dying to try out. But it doesn't have a finished rein. Or a lope. It's not finished. But it's new, shiny and has a whole bunch of potential, I think.

It's kind of like trying to decide which of my lovely mares to ride this upcoming year...Fawn, who I enjoy so much, or Cin, who might buck me off.


  1. If you ask me, I think you should try out your new ms. And if you're a little tentative, do two contests and split them between the new and the old. :) That way all of your bases are coverd.


  2. Not a bad idea, Jc. Thanks for coming by!

  3. Never in a thousand years would I have thought of my writing in the terms you portrayed! Like you, I have my 20 yr. old, ride-em-backward-if-ya-want gelding, Bert. He can sit for a year and in a week's time, I can show him at a jackpot. Or...I can ride my mare, Beaut. She's a handful as only mares can be. Mr. Toad's wild ride on four legs, she's fast, fun, but devilishly surprising. I guess for me, it all boils down to whether I'm in the mood to ride with cold beers in my saddle bags or school and dink the entire ride. Bert can jerk a 350 lb. steer to the ground, but Beaut can sail over a three rail fence. I have to ask myself, "What am I up for today?"

    Lovely post, D'Ann - as always.

  4. Love your posts. The horse/writing analogies are terrific.
    I have always been one to stick to the trusted--with my horses and my writing. Your trusted MS has taken you through two finals. Maybe this time good ol' trusty will get you that sale!!!
    Again, love your posts. Keep them coming!

  5. I love Blues, but I say get that new MS out there. :) I like JC's 50/50 idea, too.

  6. Sheri~
    Funny how two strangers can have so much in common, and become such good friends so quickly.

  7. Thank you, Brenda.
    I so appreciate you stopping by. The older I get, the less I want to ride broncy horses.

  8. Kristi, friend!
    Been missing ya!
    I am thinking as old as it is, I never gave Blues the chance it deserved in contests, ya know? But maybe it's too old to be viable, ya know. LOL.

  9. They are never to old. With some spit and shine, a chance to become re-aquainted and a little one on one time you might be pleasently surprised...

  10. I think you should give the new one a whirl. Or maybe split the contest in half. Half to the old and half to the new. Or it could be a 70/30 split. With the one you like best getting the 70 percent.

  11. Hey, D'Ann....

    I'm with so many other's here... Do the 50/50 thing. What I've read of Blues, I liked and I think it has solid characters and that "feel" to it. I'm reading a Carolyn Brown book right now (Love this Bar--hate the head hopping, but it's a good story) and Blues had that same down home feel to it like this western I'm reading does. And I only read the first 30 pages or so. Maybe with a little more polish, you might have that winner.

    But Cat is also good (if that's the book your thinking of). So, maybe concentrate on the kinds of contests and look at who are judging. Do some research and see if you can find out if final editor judge so and so is buying single titles of similar to Blues...if not, enter the other book. And visa versa.

    Just a thought... I love your horses!!!!

  12. Thanks, Tammy, Shawn and Sara.
    Some things to mull over.
