Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shoeing a horse? Nah, Writing a Book

This is my husband, Wes. He shoes my horses. Saves me a ton of money. But this post isn't about that.
Writing is a lot like shoeing horses.
Huh? you say.
Well, think about it. You start with a bare surface. You bend and shape the hoof and shoes to fit just like your characters bend and shape to the story.With a horse, you rasp off the rough edges, sounds a lot like writing to me.
You sometimes have an unwilling victim (horse, characters) who don't want to do what you want them to do.
It can be backbreaking, holding up a 1,000 pound horse's leg. It can be backbreaking, sitting at a computer chair for hours.
Nails hold the shoes on; if you've done your job right, you've nailed together a bunch of words that equal a book.
When done, you have a horse that's ready to ride, you have a manuscript that's ready to show editors or agents.
To me, shoeing a horse and writing a book is alot alike.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Getting Back on the Horse

Welcome to Ridingwrite, a blog about my connection between riding and writing.
This summer, I didn't do much of either. I can blame illness, and it's true, I was very sick most of the season. But, truthfully, I didn't feel like doing much of either, and it didn't have anything to do with health issues.
I didn't want to ride, and I didn't want to write.
There, I said it.
Last summer, I rode a lot. This is Cinnamon, my filly, pictured. She was a three yr old last summer, and once I got her started, I rode her a lot. At least three times a week. I had to commute over 50 miles one way to do so, but it was worth it. Every time out, Cinnamon learned a little more, got a little gentler. It was exhilerating.
But since last summer, I haven't touched her, not even once.
My writing hasn't been quite that bad, but it hasn't been good. I just don't have the pressing desire to get a manuscript done. I have worked with a couple, but not with the usual summer rush I usually do.
For the first time in I don't know how long, I don't have a finished manuscript at summer's end.
I don't know what's wrong. I haven't lost my desire to write, and I haven't lost my desire to ride....but I don't feel that old push to get the saddle out, or the urge to cram every free minute with words on the screen either.
Hopefully next summer, I will get fired up again.