This is my husband, Wes. He shoes my horses. Saves me a ton of money. But this post isn't about that.
Writing is a lot like shoeing horses.
Huh? you say.
Well, think about it. You start with a bare surface. You bend a
nd shape the hoof and shoes to fit just like your characters bend and shape to the story.With a horse, you rasp off the rough edges, sounds a lot like writing to me.
You sometimes have an unwilling victim (horse, characters) who don't want to do what you want them to do.
It can be backbreaking, holding up a 1,000 pound horse's leg. It can be backbreaking, sitting at a computer chair for hours.
Nails hold the shoes on; if you've done your job right, you've nailed together a bunch of words that equal a book.
When done, you have a horse that's ready to ride, you have a manuscript that's ready to show editors or agents.
To me, shoeing a horse and writing a book is alot alike.
I agree. I'll admit that I've never thought of it that way. But it's imporant to remind ourselves all this hard work, tears, and heart break is worth it at the end! Great post. :)
ReplyDeleteI never made that connection before, D'Ann. I can't tell you how many years I've had horses (because I'd give my age away! LOL) and I've always written. The parallel path between the two is remarkable. Talk about thinking outside the box! I got in a funk once about not riding. Happened right after I had kids. I went from riding 3 days/week to slamming on the brakes entirely. Why? I don't know. I've never figured it out. I loved my horses and still do. Thank God my husband kept them tuned up for me. Now I enjoy getting back in the saddle. Maybe not as often these days, but that only makes the time more precious to me. Like my writing time. Finding balance in family, home office, writing, and being wife/mother/daughter certainly has its challenges. Creative planning has been pushed to the limits in my home! Thanks for your VERY interesting blog. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming by! SO happy to see you!
ReplyDeleteTotally relate! Thank you so much for coming by here. I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about horses, but I'm aware that they need a lot of maintenance and love. Perhaps not the same kind you'd apply to your story, but there are some parallels. :)
I'd say you nailed that analogy! I definitely see the parallelism.
ReplyDeletegreat post, D'Ann... wish I had a horse to ride. I miss that!!
ReplyDeleteGood post, D'Ann!
ReplyDeleteJen, Sara, kRisti and Liz~
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for coming by! Wanna ride? Come see me!
Never thought of it that way before, but you're so right! Way to put a unique spin on it, D.
Awesome post, D'Ann. Writing is sooo much like trimming a horses hooves. Rasping, cutting, filing, shaping, etc.
ReplyDeleteYou are one lucky lady to have a hubby who can shoe and care for your horses hooves.
Hey, Av and Brenda!
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming by!
I really appreciate it! And, yes, I am soooo lucky Wes can keep the horse's hooves in shape.
ReplyDeleteYou're lucky to have someone who can shoe and take care of your horses' hooves. You obviously are a horse lover and they are lucky to have you to love and care for them. Although, I think caring for the horses is probably harder than cutting and revising a novel.
Hi, Ruby!
ReplyDeleteI am a horse lover! And, yes, I'm lucky to have a husband who can shoe and trim them.