They aren't related.
Fawn is 20 years old. Cinnamon is 4.
Fawn is my baby, my girl. My trusty mount for trail rides, moving cows, anything. When I need a horse I can trust, I turn to her.
Cinnamon was meant to take the burden off Fawn. When I bought her, my dad was cowboss on a large cattle ranch. I helped him out a lot, and I rode Fawn every day, except the summer she got hurt, and then I rode Dad's sorrel gelding, Gary. But that was before I had Cin.
Two summers ago I got Cinnamon going, with my dad's help. She was started well, going good. I rode her on a three day packtrip, rode her all over the mountains on trail rides. She wasn't finished because I didn't finish her reining and we never loped.
Then this last summer I got sick and didn't ride at all. Neither mare. Not Fawn and not Cin. Not even once.
But this fall, I began to recover and I wanted to ride. Bad. So, reasonably, I would grab Cin, right? Pick up where I left off?
Trusty old Fawn was the mount of choice.
I didn't even Catch Cinnamon.
How does all this relate to writing?
Because I have manuscripts kind of like my mares. Old and trusty, and new and fairly untried.
I'm in a quandary with them. Work with the old one (Mississippi Blues), or turn my energy to the new (Branded)?
I'm talking specifically about contests. I have a limited amount of money this year for contests, so I need to decide which ms to devote my energy to. The old one, or the new, untried one?
I put Ms. Blues in two contests last year, and it finaled both times.
But I have a new ms I'm dying to try out. But it doesn't have a finished rein. Or a lope. It's not finished. But it's new, shiny and has a whole bunch of potential, I think.
It's kind of like trying to decide which of my lovely mares to ride this upcoming year...Fawn, who I enjoy so much, or Cin, who might buck me off.