This is my husband, Wes. He shoes my horses. Saves me a ton of money. But this post isn't about that.
Writing is a lot like shoeing horses.
Huh? you say.
Well, think about it. You start with a bare surface. You bend a
nd shape the hoof and shoes to fit just like your characters bend and shape to the story.With a horse, you rasp off the rough edges, sounds a lot like writing to me.
You sometimes have an unwilling victim (horse, characters) who don't want to do what you want them to do.
It can be backbreaking, holding up a 1,000 pound horse's leg. It can be backbreaking, sitting at a computer chair for hours.
Nails hold the shoes on; if you've done your job right, you've nailed together a bunch of words that equal a book.
When done, you have a horse that's ready to ride, you have a manuscript that's ready to show editors or agents.
To me, shoeing a horse and writing a book is alot alike.