Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Irresistable Blog Award

I never thought to get a blog award, but here I am, nominated by for this “ahem,” prestigious award. Thank you, Jenna. I only hope I can return the favor sometime.

The requirements for this illustrious award are 1) Have a blog; 2) Post seven random facts about yourself that will only get you in a small amount of trouble with the powers that be; 3) Pass the award along to seven more worthy vict…fantastic bloggers; and 4) Be sure to tell everyone who nominated you by linking back to moi!

Since is a blog, I have fulfilled the most strenuous requirement for this award. Requirement #2 is below.

1. I like cats better than dogs

2. I would like to retire to the mts of Arizona

3. In my teenage years, being kidnapped by an Arab sheik was my fave fantasy

4. I am going to marry Vince Gill ... someday

5. I have a secret passion to sing on a contest show like American Idol or the Voice, although I can't carry a note with two hands.

6. I have helped pull a calf stuck in the birth canal

7. A Colorado canyon is named after my family

And now for requirement number 3: And the Winners Are–

1. Kristi Knight

2. Cj Clark

3. Avery Flynn

4. Mart Ramirez

5. Shawn Dalton-Smith

6. Sara Walter-Ellwood

7. Paty Jager

Thanks for playing!