I never thought to get a blog award, but here I am, nominated by http://jennajaxon.wordpress.com for this “ahem,” prestigious award. Thank you, Jenna. I only hope I can return the favor sometime.
The requirements for this illustrious award are 1) Have a blog; 2) Post seven random facts about yourself that will only get you in a small amount of trouble with the powers that be; 3) Pass the award along to seven more worthy vict…fantastic bloggers; and 4) Be sure to tell everyone who nominated you by linking back to moi!
Since http://ridingwrite.blogspot.com is a blog, I have fulfilled the most strenuous requirement for this award. Requirement #2 is below.
1. I like cats better than dogs
2. I would like to retire to the mts of Arizona
3. In my teenage years, being kidnapped by an Arab sheik was my fave fantasy
4. I am going to marry Vince Gill ... someday
5. I have a secret passion to sing on a contest show like American Idol or the Voice, although I can't carry a note with two hands.
6. I have helped pull a calf stuck in the birth canal
7. A Colorado canyon is named after my family
And now for requirement number 3: And the Winners Are–
1. Kristi Knight http://www.kristinaknightauthor.com/
2. Cj Clark www.ripplesinastream.blogspot.com
3. Avery Flynn www.averyflynn.com
4. Mart Ramirez www.MartzBookz.blogspot.com
5. Shawn Dalton-Smith http://paranormal-perks.blogspot.com/
6. Sara Walter-Ellwood sarawalterellwood.wordpress.com
7. Paty Jager www.patyjager.blogspot.com
Thanks for playing!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Not A Hero For Me
My brother-in-law, Tracy. 
My friend, the historical author, Julia Ross, once contacted me for my opinion on some horse stuff. She was speaking at a RWA nationals workshop, and she wanted my take on a few things.
Can you say flattered?
She rides classical English; I ride only western.
My expertise comes from a lifetime of riding and coaching horse knowledge bowl teams. Julia is an accomplished horsewoman herself, even taught community college classes on horses. But I digress...
We talked about the differences between English and western riding...colors of horses, styles of riding, etc. But we agreed completely on one thing-- all good horsemen have some things in common, whether it be riding in an dressage saddle or an old roping saddle.
One thing she said that I took away from that conversation and carried with me ever since is about heroes in romance novels.
Julia said, "A hero who abused a horse would abuse the heroine, if even off camera."
I agree.
I hadn't thought of it until that conversation, but I have never liked a hero (or heroine) who whips, spurs, yanks or jerks on a horse in any way.
Romance authors often use the abuse of a horse (not intentional) to show their characters' angst. You often see a fuming gallop, a hard yank, a spur to make the horse whirl because the character is upset. While this is good for drama, it turns me off.
A lot.
It makes the book an instant wall-banger for me.
While the author probably has no idea how bad that makes her hero or heroine look, any of the above actions are extremely abusive and leaves me with no sympathy for the character. In fact, I generally detest them from that point on.
It's funny, authors often use cats and dogs to show their characters' softer side, and they would no more have their character yank a dog's leash or kick a cat than spit at the moon, but that same author has no problem jerking, spurring or galloping a horse hard.
Odd when you think about it.
My friend, the historical author, Julia Ross, once contacted me for my opinion on some horse stuff. She was speaking at a RWA nationals workshop, and she wanted my take on a few things.
Can you say flattered?
She rides classical English; I ride only western.
My expertise comes from a lifetime of riding and coaching horse knowledge bowl teams. Julia is an accomplished horsewoman herself, even taught community college classes on horses. But I digress...
We talked about the differences between English and western riding...colors of horses, styles of riding, etc. But we agreed completely on one thing-- all good horsemen have some things in common, whether it be riding in an dressage saddle or an old roping saddle.
One thing she said that I took away from that conversation and carried with me ever since is about heroes in romance novels.
Julia said, "A hero who abused a horse would abuse the heroine, if even off camera."
I agree.
I hadn't thought of it until that conversation, but I have never liked a hero (or heroine) who whips, spurs, yanks or jerks on a horse in any way.
Romance authors often use the abuse of a horse (not intentional) to show their characters' angst. You often see a fuming gallop, a hard yank, a spur to make the horse whirl because the character is upset. While this is good for drama, it turns me off.
A lot.
It makes the book an instant wall-banger for me.
While the author probably has no idea how bad that makes her hero or heroine look, any of the above actions are extremely abusive and leaves me with no sympathy for the character. In fact, I generally detest them from that point on.
It's funny, authors often use cats and dogs to show their characters' softer side, and they would no more have their character yank a dog's leash or kick a cat than spit at the moon, but that same author has no problem jerking, spurring or galloping a horse hard.
Odd when you think about it.
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